

TC++PL Advices

Advices from The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition.

Chapter 2 - A Tour of C++: The Basics

  1. Don’t panic! All will become clear in time. section 2.1
  2. You don’t have to know every detail of C++ to write good programs. section 1.3.1
  3. Focus on programming techniques, not on language features. section 2.1

Chapter 3 - A Tour of C++: Abstraction Mechanisms

  1. Express ideas directly in code. section 3.2
  2. Define classes to represent application concepts directly in code. section 3.2
  3. Use concrete classes to represent simple concepts and performance-critical components. section 3.2.1
  4. Avoid “naked” new and delete operations. section
  5. Use resource handles and RAII to manage resources. section 3.2.2
  6. Use abstract classes as interfaces when complete separation of interface and implementation is needed. section 3.2.2
  7. Use class hierarchies to represent concepts with inherent hierarchical structure. section 3.2.4
  8. When designing a class hierarchy, distinguish between implementation inheritance and interface inheritance. section 3.2.4
  9. Control construction, copy, move, and destruction of objects. section 3.3
  10. Return containers by value (relying on move for efficiency). section 3.3.2
  11. Provide strong resource safety: that is, never leak anything that you think of as a resource. section 3.3.3
  12. Use container, defined as resource handle templates, to hold collections of values of the same type. section 3.4.1
  13. Use function templates to represent general algorithms. section 3.4.2
  14. Use function objects, including lambdas, to represent policies and actions. section 3.4.3
  15. Use type and template aliases to provide a uniform notation for types that may vary among similar types or among implementations. section 3.4.5

Chapter 4 - A Tour of C++: Containers and Algorithms

  1. Don’t reinvent the wheel, use libraries. section 4.1
  2. When you have a choices, prefer the standard library over other libraries. section 4.1
  3. Do not think that the standard library is ideal for everything. section 4.1
  4. Remember to #include the headers for the facilities you use. section 4.1.2
  5. Remember that standard-library facilities are defined in namespace std. section 4.1.2
  6. Prefer stringss over C-style strings (a char *). section 4.2 section 4.3.2
  7. Prefer vector<T>, map<K,T>, and unordered_map<K,T> over T[]. section 4.4
  8. Know your standard containers and their tradeoffs. section 4.4
  9. Use vector as your default container. section 4.4.1
  10. Prefer compact data structures. section
  11. If in doubt, use a range-checked vector. section
  12. Use push_back() or back_inserter() to add elements to a container. section 4.4.1 section 4.5
  13. Use push_back() on a vector rather than realloc() on an array. section 4.5
  14. Catch common exceptions in main(). section
  15. Know your standard algorithms and prefer them over handwritten loops. section 4.5.5
  16. If iterator use gets tedious, define container algorithms. section 4.5.6

Chapter 5 - A Tour of C++: Concurrency and Utilities

  1. Use resource handles to manage resources (RAII). section 5.2
  2. Use unique_ptr to refer to objects of polymorphic type. section 5.2.1
  3. Use shared_ptr to refer to shared objects. section 5.2.1
  4. Use type-safe mechanisms for concurrency. section 5.3
  5. Minimize the use of shared data. section 5.3.4
  6. Don’t choose shared data for communication because of “efficiency” without thought and preferably not without measurement. section 5.3.4
  7. Think in terms of concurrent tasks, rather than threads. section 5.3.5
  8. A library doesn’t have to be large or complicated to be useful. section 5.4
  9. Time your programs before making claims about efficiency. section 5.4.1
  10. You can write code to explicitly depend on properties of types. section 5.4.2
  11. Use regular expressions for simple pattern matching. section 5.5
  12. Don’t try to do serious numeric computation using only the language, use libraries. section 5.6
  13. Properties of numeric types are accessible through numeric_limits. section 5.6.5

Chapter 6 - Types and Declarations

  1. For the final word on language definition issues, see the ISO C++ standard. section 6.1
  2. Avoid unspecified and undefined behavior. section 6.1
  3. Isolate code that must depend on implementation-defined behavior. section 6.1
  4. Avoid unnecessary assumptions about the numeric value of characters. section section
  5. Remember that an integer starting with a 0 is octal. section
  6. Avoid “magic constants”. section
  7. Avoid unnecessary assumptions about the size of integers. section 6.2.8
  8. Avoid unnecessary assumptions about the range and precision of floating-point types. section 6.2.8
  9. Prefer plain char over signed char and unsigned char. section
  10. Beware of conversions between signed and unsigned types. section
  11. Declare one name (only) per declaration. section 6.3.2
  12. Keep common and local names short, and keep uncommon and nonlocal names longer. seciont 6.3.3
  13. Avoid similar-looking names. section 6.3.3
  14. Name an object to reflect its meaning rather than its type. section 6.3.3
  15. Maintain a consistent naming style. section 6.3.3
  16. Avoid ALL_CAPS names. section 6.3.3
  17. Keep scopes small. section 6.3.4
  18. Don’t use the same name in both a scope and an enclosing scope. section 6.3.4
  19. Perfer the {}-initializer syntax for declarations with a named type. section 6.3.5
  20. Perfer thr = syntax for the initialization in declarations using auto. section 6.3.5
  21. Avoid uninitialized variables. section
  22. Use an alias to define a meaningful name for a built-in type in cases in which the built-in type used to represent a value might change. section 6.5
  23. Use an alias to define synonyms for types, use enumerations and classes to define new types. section 6.5

Chapter 7 - Pointers, Arrays, and References

  1. Keep use of pointers simple and straightforward. section 7.4.1
  2. Avoid nontrivial pointer arithmetic. section 7.4
  3. Take care not to write beyond the bounds of an array. section 7.4.1
  4. Avoid multidimensional arrays, define suitable containers instead. section 7.4.2
  5. Use nullptr rather than 0 or NULL. section 7.2.2
  6. Use containers (e.g. vector, array and valarray) rather than built-in (C-style) arrays. section 7.4.1
  7. Use string rather than zero-terminated arrays of char. section 7.4
  8. Use raw strings for string literals with complicated uses of backslash. section
  9. Prefer const reference arguments to plain reference arguments. section 7.7.3
  10. Use rvalue references (only) for forwarding and move semantics. section 7.7.2
  11. Keep pointers that represent ownership inside handle classes. section 7.6
  12. Avoid void* except in low-level code. section 7.2.1
  13. Use const pointers and const references to express immutablility in interfaces. section 7.5
  14. Prefer references to pointers as arguments, except where “no object” is a reasonable option. section 7.7.4

Chapter 8 - Structures, Unions, and Enumerations

  1. When compactness of data is important, lay out structure data members with larger members before smaller ones. section 8.2.1
  2. Use bit-fields to represent hardware-imposed data layouts. section 8.2.7
  3. Don’t naively try to optimize memory consumption by packing several values into a single byte. section 8.2.7
  4. Use unions to save space (represent alternatives) and never for type conversion. section 8.3
  5. Use enumerations to represent sets of named constants. section 8.4
  6. Prefer class enums over “plain” enums to minimize surprises. section 8.4
  7. Define operations on enumerations for safe and simple use. section 8.4.1

Chapter 9 - Statements

  1. Don’t declare a variable until you have a value to initialize it with. section 9.3 section 9.4.3 section 9.5.2
  2. Prefer a switch-statement to an if-statement when there is a choice. section 9.4.2
  3. Prefer a range-for-statement to a for-statement when there is a choice. section 9.5.1
  4. Prefer a for-statement to a while-statement when there is an obvious loop variable. section 9.5.2
  5. Prefer a while-statement to a for-statement when there is no obvious loop variable. section 9.5.3
  6. Avoid do-statements. section 9.5
  7. Avoid goto. section 9.6
  8. Keep comments crisp.
  9. Don’t say in comments what can be clearly stated in code. section 9.7
  10. State intent in comments. section 9.7
  11. Maintain a consistent indentation style. section 9.7

Chapter 10 - Expressions

  1. Prefer the standard library to other libraries and to “handcrafted code”. section 10.2.8
  2. Use character-level input only when you have to. section 10.2.3
  3. When reading, always consider ill-formed input. section 10.2.34.
  4. Prefer suitable abstractions (class, algorithms, etc.) to direct use of language features (e.g. ints, statements). section 10.2.8
  5. Avoid complicated expressions. section 10.3.3
  6. If in doubt about operator precedence, parenthesize. section 10.3.3
  7. Avoid expressions with undefined order of evaluation. section 10.3.2
  8. Avoid narrowing conversions. section 10.5.2
  9. Define symbolic constants to avoid “magic constants”. section 10.4.1
  10. Avoid narrowing conversions. section 10.5.2

Chapter 11 - Select Operations

  1. Prefer prefix ++ over suffix ++. section 11.1.4
  2. Use resource handles to avoid leaks, premature deletion, and double deletion. section 11.2.1
  3. Don’t put objects on the free store if you don’t have to, prefer scoped variables. section 11.2.1
  4. Avoid “naked new“ and “naked delete“. section 11.2.1
  5. Use RAII. section 11.2.1
  6. Prefer a named function object to a lambda if the operation requires comments. section 11.4.2
  7. Prefer a named function object to a lambda if the operation is generally useful. section 11.4.2
  8. Keep lambdas short. section 11.4.2
  9. For maintainability and correctness, be careful about capture by reference. section
  10. Let the compiler deduce the return type of a lambda. section 11.4.4
  11. Use the T{e} natation for construction. section 11.5.1
  12. Avoid explicit type conversion (casts). section 11.5
  13. When explicit type conversion is necessary, prefer a named cast. section 11.5
  14. Consider using a run-time checked cast, such as narrow_cast<>(), for conversion between numeric types. section 11.5

Chapter 12 - Functions

  1. “Package” meaningful operations as carefully named function. section 12.1
  2. A function should perform a single logical operation. section 12.1
  3. Keep functions short. section 12.1
  4. Don’t return pointers or references to local variables. section 12.1.4
  5. If a function may have to be evaluated at compile time, declare it constexpr. section 12.1.6
  6. If a function cannot return, mark it [[noreturn]]. section 12.1.7
  7. Use pass-by-value for small objects. section 12.2.1
  8. Use pass-by-const-reference to pass large values that you don’t need to modify. section 12.2.1
  9. Return a result as a return value rather than modifying an object through an argument. section 12.2.1
  10. Use rvalue references to implement move and forwarding. section 12.2.1
  11. Pass a pointer if “no object” is a valid alternative (and represent “no object” by nullptr). section 12.2.1
  12. Use pass-by-non-const-reference only if you have to. section 12.2.1
  13. Use const extensively and consistently. section 12.2.1
  14. Assume that a char* or a const char* argument points to a C-style string. section 12.2.2
  15. Avoid passing arrays as pointers. section 12.2.2
  16. Pass a homogeneous list of unknown length as an initializer_list<T> (or as some other container). section 12.2.3
  17. Avoid unspecified numbers of arguments (...). section 12.2.4
  18. Use overloading when functions perform conceptually the same task on different types. section 12.3
  19. When overloading on integers, provide functions to eliminate common ambiguities. setion 12.3.5
  20. Specify preconditions and postconditions for your functions. section 12.4
  21. Prefer function objects (including lambdas) adn virtual functions to pointers to functions. section 12.5
  22. Avoid macros. section 12.6
  23. If you must use macros, use ugly names with lots of capital letters. section 12.6

Chapter 13 - Exception Handling

  1. Develop an error-handling strategy early in a design. section 13.1
  2. Throw an exception to indicate that you cannot perform an assigned task. section 13.1.1
  3. Use exceptions for error handling. section
  4. Use purpose-designed user-defined types as exceptions (not built-in types). section 13.1.1
  5. If you for some reason cannot use exceptions, mimic them. section 13.1.5
  6. Use hierarchical error handling. section 13.1.6
  7. Keep the individual parts of error handling simple. section 13.1.6
  8. Don’t try to catch every exception in every function. section 13.1.6
  9. Always provide the basic guarantee. section 13.2 section 13.6
  10. Provide the strong guarantee unless there is a reason not to. section 13.2 section 13.6
  11. Let a constructor establish an invariant, ant throw if it cannot. section 13.2
  12. Release locally owned resources before throwing an exception. section 13.2
  13. Be sure that every resource acquired in a constructor is released when throwing an exception in that constructor. section 13.3
  14. Don’t use exceptions where more local control structures will suffice. section 13.1.4
  15. Use the “Resource Acquisition Is Initialization” and exception handlers to maintain invariant. section
  16. Minimize the use of try-blocks. section 13.3
  17. Not every program needs to be exception-safe. section 13.1
  18. Use “Resource Acquisition Is Initialization” and exception handlers to maintain invariants. section
  19. Prefer proper resource handles to the less structured finally. section 13.3.1
  20. Design your error-handling strategy around invariants. section 13.4
  21. What can be checked at compile time is usually best checked at compile time (using static_assert). section 13.4
  22. Design your error-handling strategy to allow for different levels of checking/enforcement. section 13.4
  23. If your function may not throw, declare it noexcept. section
  24. Don’t use exception specification. section
  25. Catch exceptions taht may be part of a hierarchy by reference. section 13.5.2
  26. Don’t assume that every exception is derived from class exception. section
  27. Have main() catch and report all exceptions. section section
  28. Don’t destroy information before you have its replacement ready. section 13.6
  29. Leave operands in valid states before throwing an exception from an assignment. section 13.2
  30. Never let an exception escape from a destructor. section 13.2
  31. Keep ordinary code and error-handling code separate. section 13.1.1 section
  32. Beware of memory leaks caused by memory allocated by new not being released in case of an exception. section 13.3
  33. Assume that every exception that can be thrown by a function will be thrown. section 13.2
  34. A library shouldn’t unilaterally terminate a program. Instead, throw an exception and let a caller decided. section 13.4
  35. A library shouldn’t produce diagnostic output aimed at an end user. Instead, throw an exception and let a caller decide. section 13.1.3

Chapter 14 - Namespaces

  1. Use namespaces to express logical structure. section 14.3.1
  2. Place every nonlocal name, except main(), in some namespace. section 14.3.1
  3. Design a namespace so that you can conveniently use it without accidentally gaining access to unrelated namespaces. section 14.3.3
  4. Avoid very short names for namespaces. section 14.4.2
  5. If necessary, use namespace aliases to abbreviate long namespace names. section 14.4.2
  6. Avoid placing heavy notational burdens on users of your namespaces. section 14.2.2 section 14.2.3
  7. Use separate namespaces for interfaces and implementations. section 14.3.3
  8. Use the Namespace::member notation when defining namespace members. section 14.4
  9. Use inline namespaces to support versioning. section 14.4.6
  10. Use using-directives for transition, for foundational libraries (such as std), or within a local scope. section 14.4.9
  11. Don’t put a using-directive in a header file. section 14.2.3

Chapter 15 - Source Files and Programs

  1. Use header files to represent interfaces and to emphasize logical structure. section 15.1 section 15.3.2
  2. #include a header in the source file that implements its functions. section 15.3.1
  3. Don’t define global entities with the same name and similar-but-different meanings in different translation units. section 15.2
  4. Avoid non-inline function definitions in headers. section 15.2.2
  5. USe #include only at global scope and in namespaces. section 15.2.2
  6. #include only complete declarations. section 15.2.2
  7. Use include guards. section 15.3.3
  8. #include C headers in namespaces to avoid global names. section 14.4.9 section 15.2.4
  9. Make headers self-contained. section 15.2.3
  10. Distinguish between users’ interfaces and implementers’ interfaces. section 15.3.2
  11. Distinguish between average users’ interfaces and expert users’ interfaces. section 15.3.2
  12. Avoid nonlocal objects that require run-time initialization in code intended for use as part of non-C++ programs. section 15.4.1

Chapter 16 - Classes

  1. Represent concepts as classes. section 16.1
  2. Separate the interface of a class from its implementation. section 16.1
  3. Use public data (structs) only when it really is just data an no invariant is meaningful for the data members. section 16.2.4
  4. Define a constructor to handle initialization of objects. section 16.2.5
  5. By default declare single-argument constructors explicit. section 16.2.6
  6. Declare a member function that does not modify the state of its object const. section 16.2.9
  7. A concrete type is the simplest kind of class. Where applicable, prefer a concrete type over more complicated classes and over plain data structures. section 16.3
  8. Make a function a member only if it needs direct access to the representation of a class. section 16.3.2
  9. Use a namespace to make the association between a class and its helper functions explicit. section 16.3.2
  10. Make a member function that doesn’t modify the value of its object a const member function. section
  11. Make a function that needs access to the representation of a class but needn’t be called for a specific object a static member function. section 16.2.12

Chapter 17 - Construction, Cleanup, Copy, and Move

  1. Design constructors, assignments, and the destructor as a matched set of operations. section 17.1
  2. Use a constructor to establish an invariant for a class. section 17.2.1
  3. If a constructor acquires a resource, its class needs a destructor to release the resource. section 17.2.2
  4. If a class has a virtual function, it needs a virtual destructor. section 17.2.5
  5. If a class does not have a constructor, it can be initialized by memberwise initialization. section 17.3.1
  6. Prefer {} initialization over = and () initialization. section 17.3.2
  7. Give a class a default constructor if and only if there is a “natural” default value. section 17.3.3
  8. If a class is a container, give it an initializer-list construtor. section 17.3.4
  9. Initialize members and bases in their order of declaration. section 17.4.1
  10. If a class has a reference member, it probably needs copy operations (copy constructor and copy assignment). section
  11. Prefer member initialization over assignment in a constructor. section
  12. Use in-class initializers to provie default values. section 17.4.4
  13. If a class is a resource handle, it probably needs copy and move operations. section 17.5
  14. When writing a copy constructor, be careful to copy every element that needs to be copied (beware of default initializers). section
  15. A copy operations should provide equivalence and independence. section
  16. Beware of entangled data structures. section
  17. Prefer move semantics and copy-on-write to shallow copy. section
  18. If a class is used as a base class, protect against slicing. section
  19. If a class needs a copy operation or a destructor, it probably needs a constructor, a destructor, a copy assignment, and a copy constructor. section 17.6
  20. If a class has a pointer member, it probably needs a destructor and non-default copy operations. section
  21. If a class is a resource handle, it needs a constructor, a destructor, and non-default copy operations. section
  22. If a default constructor, assignment, or destructor is appropriate, let the compiler generate it (don’t rewrite it yourself). section 17.6
  23. Be explicit about your invariants, use constructors to establish them and assignments to maintain them. section
  24. Make sure that copy assignments are safe for self-assignment. section 17.5.1
  25. When adding a new member to a class, check to see if there are user-defined constructors that need to be updated to initialize the member. section 17.5.1

Chapter 18 - Operator Overloading

  1. Define operators primarily to mimic conventional usage. section 18.1
  2. Redefine or prohibit copying if the default is not appropriate for a type. section 18.2.2
  3. For large operands, use const reference argument types. section 18.2.4
  4. For large results, use a move constructor. section 18.2.4
  5. Prefer member functions over nonmembers for operations that need access to the representation. section 18.3.1
  6. Prefer nonmember functions over members for operations that do not need access to the representation. section 18.3.2
  7. Use namespaces to associate helper functions with “their” class. section 18.2.5
  8. Use nonmember functions for symetric operators. section 18.3.2
  9. Use member functions to express operators that require an lvalue as their left-hand operand. section
  10. Use user-defined literals to mimic conventional notation. section 18.3.4
  11. Provide “set() and get() functions” for a data member only if the fundamental semantics of a class require them. section 18.3.5
  12. Be cautious about introducing implicit conversions. section 18.4
  13. Avoid value-destroying (“narrowing”) conversions. section 18.4.1
  14. Do not define the same conversion as both a constructor and a conversion operator. section 18.4.3

Chapter 19 - Friends and Members

  1. Use operator[]() for subscripting and for selection based on a single value. section 19.2.1
  2. Use operator()() for call semantics, for subscripting, and for selection based on multiple values. section 19.2.2
  3. Use operator->() to dereference “smart pointers”. section 19.2.3
  4. Prefer prefix ++ over suffix ++. section 19.2.4
  5. Define the global operator new() and operator delete() only if you really have to. section 19.2.5
  6. Define member operator new() and member operator delete() to control allocation and deallocation of objects of a specific class or hierarchy of classes. section 19.2.5
  7. Use user-defined literals to mimic conventional notation. section 19.2.6
  8. Place literal operators in separate namespaces to allow selective user. section 19.2.6
  9. For nonspecialized uses, prefer the standard string to the result of your own exercises. section 19.3
  10. Use a friend function if you need a nonmember function to have access to the representation of a class (e.g. to improve notation or to access the representation of two classes). section 19.4
  11. Prefer member functions to friend functions for granting access to the implementation of a class. section 19.4.2

Chapter 20 - Derived Classes

  1. Avoid type fields. section 20.3.1
  2. Access polymorphic objects through pointers and references. section 20.3.2
  3. Use abstract classes to focus design on the provision of clean interfaces. section 20.4
  4. Use override to make overriding explicit in large class hierarchies. section
  5. Use final only sparingly. section
  6. Use abstract classes to specify interfaces. section 20.4
  7. Use abstarct classes to keep implementation details out of interfaces. section 20.4
  8. A class with a virtual function should have a virtual destructor. section 20.4
  9. An abstract class typically doesn’t need a constructor. section 20.4
  10. Prefer private members for implementation details. section 20.5
  11. Prefer public members for interfaces. section 20.5
  12. Use protected members only carefully when really needed. section
  13. Don’t declare data members protected. section

Chapter 21 - Class Hierarchies

  1. Use unique_ptr or shared_ptr to avoid forgetting to delete objects created using new. section 21.2.1
  2. Avoid data members in base classes intended as interfaces. section
  3. Use abstract classes to express interfaces. section 21.2.2
  4. Give an abstract class a virtual destructor to ensure proper cleanup. section 21.2.2
  5. Use override to make overriding explicit in large class hierarchies. section 21.2.2
  6. Use abstract classes to support interface inheritance. section 21.2.2
  7. Use base classes with data members to support implementation inheritance. section 21.2.2
  8. Use ordinary multiple inheritance to express a union of features. section 21.3
  9. Use multiple inheritance to separate implementation from interface. section 21.3
    10 Use a virtual base to represent something common to some, but not all, classes in a hierarchy. section 21.3.5

Chapter 22 - Run-Time Type Information

  1. Use virtual functions to ensure that the same operation is performed independently of which interface is used for an object. section 22.1
  2. Use dynamic_cast where class hierarchy navigation is unavoidable. section 22.2
  3. Use dynamic_cast for type-safe explicit navigation of a class hierarchy. section 22.2.1
  4. Use dynamic_cast to a reference type when failure to find the required class is considered a failure. section
  5. Use dynamic_cast to a pointer type when failure to find the required class is considered a valid alternative. section
  6. Use double dispatch or the visitor pattern to express operations on two dynamic types (unless you need an optimized lookup). section 22.3.1
  7. Don’t call virtual functions during construction or destruction. section 22.4
  8. Use typeid to implement extended type information. section 22.5.1
  9. Use typeid to find the type of an object (and not to find an interface to an object). section 22.5
  10. Prefer virtual functions to repeated switch-statements based on typeid or dynamic_cast. section 22.6

Chapter 23 - Templates

  1. Use templates to express algorithms that apply to many argument types. section 23.1
  2. Use templates to express containers. section 23.2
  3. Note that template<class T> and template<typename T> are synonymous. section 23.2
  4. When defining a template, first design and debug a non-template version, later generatlize by adding parameters. section 23.2.1
  5. Templates are type-safe, but checking happens too late. section 23.3
  6. When designing a template, carefully consider the concepts (requirements) assumed for its template arguments. section 23.3
  7. If a class template should be copyable, give it a non-template copy constructor and a non-template copy assignment. section
  8. If a class template should be movable, give it a non-template move constructor and a non-template move assignment. section
  9. A virtual function member cannot be a template member function. section
  10. Define a type as a member of a template only if it depends on all the class template’s arguments. section
  11. Use function templates to deduce class template argument types. section 23.5.1
  12. Overload function templates to get the same semantics for a variety of argument types. section 23.5.3
  13. Use argument substitution failure to provide just the right set of functions for a program. section
  14. Use teplate aliases to simplify notation and hide implementation details. section 23.6
  15. There is no separate compilation of templates: #include template definitions in every translation unit that uses them. section 23.7
  16. Use ordinary functions as interfaces to code that cannot deal with templates. section 23.7.1
  17. Separately compile large templates and templates with nontrivial context dependencies. section 23.7

Chapter 24 - Generic Programming

  1. A template can pass argument types without loss of information. section 24.1
  2. Templates provide a general mechanism for compile-time programming. section 24.1
  3. Templates provide compile-time “duck typing”. section 24.1
  4. Design generic algorithms by “lifting” from concrete examples. section 24.2
  5. Generalize algorithms by specifying template argument requirements in terms of concepts. section 24.3
  6. Do not give unconventional meaning to conventional notation. section 24.3
  7. Use concepts as a design tool. section 24.3
  8. Aim for “plug comatibility” among algorithms and argument type by using common and regular template argument requirements. section 24.3
  9. Discover a concept by minimizing an algorithm’s requirements on its template arguments and then generalizing for wider use. section 24.3.1
  10. A concept is not just a description of the needs of a particular implementation of an algorithm. section 24.3.1
  11. If possible, choose a concept from a list of well-known concepts. section 24.3.1 section 24.4.4
  12. The default concept for a template argument is Regular. section 24.3.1
  13. Not all template argument types are Regular. section 24.3.1
  14. A concept requires a semantic aspect, it is not primarily a syntactic notion. section 24.3.1 section 24.3.2
  15. Make concepts concrete in code. section 24.4
  16. Express concepts as compile-time predicates (constexpr functions) and test them using static_assert() or enable_if<>. section 24.4
  17. Use axioms as a design tool. section 24.4.1
  18. Use axioms as a guide for testing. section 24.4.1
  19. Some concepts involve two or more template arguments. section 24.4.2
  20. Concepts are not just types of types. section 24.4.2
  21. Concepts can involve numeric values. section 24.4.3
  22. Use concepts as a guide for testing template definitions. section 24.4.5

Chapter 25 - Specialization

  1. Use templates to improve type safety. section 25.1
  2. Use templates to raise the level of abstraction of code. section 25.1
  3. Use templates to provide flexible and efficient parameterization of types and algorithms. section 25.1
  4. Remember that value template arguments must be compile-time constants. section 25.2.2
  5. Use function objects as type arguments to parameterize types and algorithms with “policies”. section 25.2.3
  6. Use default template arguments to provide simple notation for simple uses. section 25.2.5
  7. Specialize templates for irregular types (such as arrays). section 25.3
  8. Specialize templates to optimize for important cases. section 25.3
  9. Define the primary template before any specialization. section
  10. A specialization must be in scope for every use. section